Thursday, January 7, 2010


1. Good Piece of PAPER


3. Images of what i want on the drawing

4. Good ARTIST Pencils for shading


Steps To Making My Drawing

1. First I will draw a rough sketch and get the idea of what i want.

2. Second I will draw the sketch on to a good piece of paper and have what it looks like with out the value shading in it.

3. Third I will start on the shading from the light in the drawing which is Sweet Tooths Hair:). The FIRE

4. I will finsh the drawing and it will look uber awesome:)

Found another great photo!:) Maybe I will put this behind sweettooth and add maybe and city skyline!

Art Project pic

Found this picture and would love to re work it and put something in the back soooo.......this is going to be what my project is on!